Thursday 6th June 2013

by mwfblog

May 24th

Memorial Day Weekend. The whole family made the trip to be here together.

Jeff and I headed out early for a return visit to the Gut to see the newly hatched baby seagulls scurrying around. And we got lucky enough to watch at close range while a mom fed her chicks a little fresh scup.

Gull Chick

Mom & Chicks

Later on in the day I joined the boys as they went out to fish in the intermittent rain, and we were lucky enough to behold a beautiful rainbow, shown here framing Jeff just before he brought in a Blue.

Jeff & Rainbow

In the early evening we all were about to sit down to dinner when Jack made us pause so that he could take this gorgeous photo of the table with the sunset on the bay.

Table Setting!

The beauty out here never ceases to amaze me.


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One Response to “Chicks, Rainbows and Place Settings”

  1. Jill Vandall says:

    I want that rainbow picture framed for my apartment!! :)

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