Derby Fever!

20 Sep 2015

I love stopping by at the morning Derby weigh-in station in Edgartown. The sights, the smells, the families and the banter—it’s all good.

looking in


Angela’s Albie. She said it was an epic morning… everyone had a fish on.


Jordan, from my hometown where he’s a baseball player, pulled in a beauty, which could be a contender.


3 keepers!


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Derby Days

19 Sep 2015

road out to the point

1. drive to wasque

word’s out… this is where the fish were last night

2. wasque point


3. waiting

ok, here we go…

4. here we go

 fish on!

5. fish on

fish on at twilight

6. fish on at twilight

heading home after a good night out

7. drive home


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17 Sep 2015

The dictionary defines glorious as resplendent beauty or magnificence. 

I’d say this evening on Chappaquiddick defined it even better.

1. IMG_8505

2. IMG_8605


3. IMG_8511

4. IMG_8593


5. IMG_8586

8. IMG_8615


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Chappy Revisited

10 Sep 2015

I picked up my camera this week to remind myself of the magic of this little island of Chappaquiddick. I felt like Mario Ruoppolo, who, in one of our favorite movies, Il Postino, records the wonders of his beautiful little island in Italy.

So here you go – my photographic recordings.

Number one
Pocha Pond
at daybreak

1 daybreak

Number two
Pocha Pond

2 revisited

Number three
Royal & Ancient Clubhouse
at dusk for night golf

3 royal and ancient

4 club house

Number four
salt marsh at Katama
morning fog

5 fog at katama salt marsh

Number five
bountiful beach plums
jelly making in the kitchen

6 IMG_8386 7 beach plum 2 8 beach plum 3

Number six
down by the bay
calm after the storm

9 bay after storm

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